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Wide snowboards

Video: Do You Need A Wide Snowboard?

The difference between a wide board and a regular snowboard is only a matter of a few centimeters, but these few centimeters could be crucial depending on your boot size and depending on your riding style.
The main reason most people will need a wider board is dependent on their boot size. Sizes larger than a men's eleven will typically require a wider board. The wider snowboard ensures that their toes or heel don't drag in the snow when they're riding. While you're riding, if your toes extend more than an inch or a couple of centimeters off the edge of your board they will drag in the snow as you're carving. Wide snowboards Narrower snowboards will naturally transfer from edge to edge faster than a wide snowboard, however, a wider board will have more flotation in deeper snow. Realistically, the same snowboard in a wide or regular width will ride pretty much the same, you won't notice a big difference. It’s really about having your toes and heel not stick out too much. Typically, wide boards will be over 26 centimeters in the waist and regular snowboards are usually around 25 centimeters. There isn't much of a noticeable difference, just enough for your toes not to drag in the snow and lose your edge as you're carving. Wide snowboards You may have fewer options for sale with wide boards, but most companies try to offer a variety of wide styles for you to choose from. Powder boards will be extra wide to provide that much-needed flotation in that deep snow as well as provide enough width for any type of boot to fit. But just in case, it's always nice to bring your boots when shopping for a new snowboard to make sure that it's not sticking over the edges. If you have any questions about choosing a regular or wide snowboard, feel free to call us or just simply come in and talk to one of our experts. Wide snowboards
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