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Trip/Gear Report: Illinois River Motorcycle Camping

Trip/Gear Report: Illinois River Motorcycle Camping

I spent the weekend riding up the Illinois River in southern oregon on my V Strom 650 packed with gear from Next Adventure's motorcycle set. The tent I used is a Ledge Sturgis Gear Box 2. This tent is great. It is super light and packable since it is intended for motorcycle camping and touring; the Sturgis lived up to the hype and fit into my saddle bags with ease. The tent is also very durable thanks to the aluminum poles and 1500mm waterproofing. The rain cover clips into the tent for a very secure, sug fit, and of course there's the skull with wings!
The Wildrness Technology 6-Tube Ultra-light Air Mattress is also perfect for motorcycle camping. The sleeping pad comes with a stuff sack, weighs only 12 ounces, and when packed is only about half the size of a Nalgene water bottle.
Wilderness Technology 6-Tube Ultra-Light Air Mattress
I can't say enough about the Jetboil Sol Titanium Stove, it is just an amazing piece of equipment. It is the lightest stove they offer, weighing only 8.5 ounces. The water boils extremely fast and the fuel regulator ensures that the gas is used efficiently. There are so many accesories you can add on, including my personal favorite, the french press plunger for coffee.
Jetboil Sol Titanium Stove
Once again, I want to thank my friends over at Next Adventure for outfitting me with some essential gear for my backcountry motorcycle trips. I cant say enough about how much space all the gear saves on my bike. Here are a few photos from the Illinois river in Southern Oregon, a great weekend trip for riders who want to get off the beaten path and do some adventure riding.
Illinois River, OregonIllinois River, Oregon
Previous article Buying Guide: Sleeping Bags

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