TRIP REPORT: Next Adventure Outdoor School Winter Trip
- Starting the Year Off on the Right Foot -
Snow covered the Cascade Mountains on New Year's Day 2015. Getting outdoors for a snowy romp on snowshoes or learning to glide along on cross-country skis was a great way to start off the New Year. There was a good solid base of snow, the temperatures were comfortably around freezing, and a bright sun shone in an unbelievably blue sky.
There was plenty of snow at 2800 feet elevation to start the tour. The cross-country skiers set up in a patch of sun to learn the basics, while the snowshoers set off uphill to find even deeper snow.
The snowshoe tour started along the road, but soon turned off along the Fanton Trail for a winter wilderness experience.
Several animal tracks crossed our path, including a number of rabbits. We identified Douglas-firs, Western Hemlocks, and Western Red-cedars by their bark and cones. Big shelf fungi clung to the sides of standing snags, with piles of snow on top of them.
The woodsy path was mostly in the shade of the big trees, but we encountered warm rays of sun here and there. We paused in the sun for lunch along a spur road, took in the views of a snowy Roaring River Wilderness, and then turned back. We stuck to the roads for an easier, sunnier and quicker return, and made good time.
We arrived back at the van just as the xc-ski group got there. The skiiers had enjoyed a sunny romp in the rolling meadows, practicing basic skills and the diagonal stride.
We enjoyed hot drinks and snacks by the van, then loaded up the gear to head back to Portland.
A sunny day on the mountain ... the stillness of the snowy woods ... an auspicious start to 2015.
Forget resolutions - just get out there and do it!
Next Adventure has more ways to inform, outfit and excite you for your winter adventure.
Next Adventure Outdoor School is offering snowshoe and cross-country ski trips all winter long. Come join us!
Sign up online at nextadventure.net/outdoor-school, or contact outdoorschool@nextadventure.net if you have any questions or would like to arrange a custom group trip.
Next Adventure also offers free clinics and classes at the Grand Avenue and Paddle Sports Center locations in Portland, Oregon.
Join Next Adventure staff Cody Booth on January 13th, 2015, to learn about what it takes for back-country skiing and split-boarding.
We've got by local author Lisa Holmes on January 20th about winter hiking options near Portland.
February's 2nd Tuesday Skills Clinic will focus on Winter Camping skills.
Find details for these events and more on the Next Adventure online events calendar:
See you out on the snow!