Next Adventure’s Scappoose Bay location has joined with the Non-Profit group Run with Neil (RWN) again for the second year with their annual race on September 10th! There is a distance for any runner or walker including a 1k, 6k, 10k and even a virtual 5k if you are unable to be there in person! Anyone who signs up any of the races is automatically entered to win a Jackson Staxx kayak from Scappoose Bay Next Adventure (comes with PFD and paddle)!
This event is partnered with the
Scappoose Adventure Festival, where you will find Next Adventure and RWN’s Booths!
ADDRESS: Scappoose Veteran’s Park - 52590 Captain Roger Kucera Way, Scappoose, OR 97056
Join us for a movie night under the stars! We’re kicking the Scappoose Adventure Festival off with the family favorite, Jungle Cruise (2021) beginning at approximately 8:45 pm. Popcorn, snacks, and drinks will be available for purchase onsite. Just bring a chair and blanket!
September 10TH - 10:00 am to 12:00 am
09:00 am – Run with Neil Begins
10:00 am – Event Opens (Food, Vendors, Beer Garden & Kids Activities)
1:00 pm – Performing: Macey Gard Band
5:00 pm – Performing: Full Zoo
09:00 pm – Performing: The Wieners
10:00 pm – Vendors & Kids Activities Close
12:00am – Event Ends
All proceeds of RWN go directly back into the community of Scappoose to benefit the physical and mental health of local youth. RWN has sponsored athletic camps, events that combine middle and high schoolers to build connections & mentorships, sponsored the ‘Dam Worth It’ club at the high school, provided sports uniforms, sponsorship for middle school districts track meet, and donations to the turf infield. All these areas promote physical and emotional well-being, as well as providing mental health resources and working to decrease the stigma of asking for help. Our goal is to ensure all youth of Scappoose (and beyond!) have access to resources to promote full body wellness.
Many staff at the Next Adventure Scappoose location knew Neil personally. The RWN family wants to say thank you. Thank you for continuing to build a legacy for him that will go on for years to come. The RWN crew cannot wait to meet you at the run so come by and say hi at the booth!
Follow for updates and photos on Instagram: @runwithneil #RUNWITHNEIL
Scappoose Adventure Festival 1K-6K-10K - Run With Neil
Neil Hoffman:
Run With Neil is committed to breaking down physical, emotional, and financial barriers to promote whole body wellness for youth in the Scappoose community. Avenues Run With Neil will use to improve and support our youth’s physical and mental well-being are as follows: creating mentorships between youth of various ages to create built-in support throughout grade school, middle school and high school; financially supporting athletes through scholarships for sports registration fees and equipment needed to compete; sponsorship of athletes to participate in camps aimed at improving physical and mental health; partnering with Dam Worth It and other nonprofits to provide resources to students interested in maintaining positive mental and physical health.
Run With Neil envisions a future where young people have improved access to sports opportunities that promote their holistic well-being. Through leaning on our core values and spreading mental health awareness, we will work to ensure every athlete has the resources and skills to be their best self.
When Next Adventure staff/Scappoose Alumni Alyssa Baird heard of RWN, her heart raced to join the vision, and she saw how perfectly their mission fit in with
Next Adventure Core Values.