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Prepping for Thailand

The preparation has begun for some really big and exciting things this year. The most exciting being Sofia and I made the decision to get married and begin our new life together in Ecuador within the next year or so (though we both still have the itch to travel still.) Moving to South America is a huge step and is a serious logistical undertaking. From getting immigration papers in order, to packing our belongings to be shipped by boat to Ecuador we have our hands pretty full. Did I mention we still have to plan an Ecuadorian wedding long distance?

As some of you maybe be aware, planning that doesn't involve climbing isn't my strong point. Luckily for me Sofia is organized enough for the both of us and is an incredible multi-tasker. She's managed to get all the details in order before we leave for Thailand. From There we will head south to Ecuador and be there till September, spending a good amount of time developing Tagan, a place I just can't get out of my head! In the midst of all our planning in October, I was blessed with celebrating my brother Coranado's marriage to his lovely wife Heather in Mississippi. A week later, Sophia and I had our U.S.. wedding ceremony, so it was a pretty busy month to say the least. Now we are ready to head out on the road again, Thailand here we come!

One week from now we will be meeting up withe our Ecuadorian friends Javier, Natasha, Marcela and Dani (who is flying all the way from Australia.) We are stoked to have friends meeting us from our future home country, as we have been planning this trip for over ten months with them. They departed November 5th and will head south to Krabi where we will meet them in a week. Our plan is to arrive in Bangkok at 11:50 pm and catch our connecting flight to Krabi the next morning at 6:50 am, so instead of getting lost in Bangkok (maybe you saw The Hangover part II) we will just try to rest in the Airport till our flight.

Climbing in Thailand is known for its great sport climbing along beautiful white sandy beaches with warm days and perfect temperatures at night. Though sport climbing is not my strong area, this last year I have been working hard to try to be a more well rounded climber and Thailand will be great practice for me. With places like Tonsai Towers, Ko Phi Phi and doing some deep water soloing, it will be a great way to ease back into another year of climbing.

As we do some more prepping this week I’ll keep posting with updates on how we are doing with everything that is going on. Over this next year we will get you some solid pictures and videos of how life unravels for us together in this great life adventure.

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