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PCT Days 2014 Event Report

PCT Days 2014 Event Report

September 5-7, 2014, Cascade Locks, Oregon.

Next Adventure PCT Days Event 2014

Pacific Crest Trail Days was bigger and better than ever this year. A record number of people attended, there were more sponsors and booths, and more thru-hikers at the event than ever before. Summery Columbia Gorge weather made for a perfect weekend.

Next Adventure PCT Days Thru Hiker trail magic

The event kicked off Friday afternoon, and it did not take long for the thru-hikers to find the Next Adventure booth. Hikers visited with family, saw old friends from the trail, and opened their drop boxes and care packages while resting in the shade of the Next Adventure lounge.

Next Adventure PCT Days super moon rising Next Adventure PCT Days moon close up view

The light grew longer and a spectacular near-full super-moon rose above the forested cliffs. After dinner, there was a dance party. Over 200 people camped on Thunder Island Friday night.

Next Adventure PCT Days camping on Thunder Island

Ospreys, seagulls, ducks and a great blue heron were but some of the wildlife encountered at the event. Camping on an island in the Columbia River puts you right in the heart of the nature of the Cascades.

Next Adventure PCT Days Osprey flying Next Adventure PCT Days gulls in Columbia River Next Adventure PCT Days ducks in Columbia River Next Adventure PCT Days great blue heron on Columbia River

Saturday was the big day for the Gear Fair. The PCTA and ALDHA-West led hundreds of people across the Bridge of the Gods for a fund raiser in the morning.

Next Adventure PCT Days Gear Fair

It was a typically windy day in the Gorge. Even Smokey the Bear had to hold on to his hat to keep it from blowing away.

Next Adventure PCT Days Smokey the Bear in Gorge Winds

Andrew, Doug, Drew and Greg were there representing Next Adventure, stoking out thru-hikers, informing visitors about outdoor recreation, and supporting the PCT. Gossamer Gear and ULA packs were on display along with a table full of Outdoor School and Outreach brochures, coupons, and lots of shwag. The Next Adventure booth was flanked by the booths of Big Agnes and Mountain Hardwear.

Next Adventure PCT Days Stoking out the crowds

The masses thronged about all day long visiting the sponsors exhibiting at the gear fair. A partial list includes Alite, Backpacker Magazine, Black Diamond, Boreas, Darn Tough Socks, Gossamer Gear, Granite Gear, Gregory, Jetboil, Katadyn, Leki, Marmot, Merrell, Mountainsmith, Optimus, Osprey, Outdoor Research, Ruffwear, Salomon, Sierra Designs, Soto, Vasque, and many more great outdoor gear manufacturers.

Next Adventure PCT Days Gear fair crowds

Local outfits such as Friends of the Columbia Gorge, Timberline Lodge, Mt Hood Meadows, Mt. Hood National Forest, the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area, Outdoor Viewfinder, Washington Trails Association, and the Port of Cascade Lock were also present to support and celebrate lightweight, long-distance backpacking and the PCT.

Next Adventure PCT Days event 2014

Lots of people attended the Backpacker Magazine-sponsored "Get Out More Tour" Backpacking Clinic. Whitney "Allgood" LaRuffa presented a class on "Hiking the Backcountry with your K-9 Companion" (as seen at Next Adventure!).

Next Adventure PCT Days Backpacker Magazine Clinic

The gear raffle was a huge ordeal this year, with so many great sponsors contributing so many great products. Five lucky people went home with gift certificates from Next Adventure. Many more folks went home with a whole lot more amazing outdoor gear.

Next Adventure PCT Days gear raffle

Saturday evening's entertainment included a screening of the documentary film "The Meaning of Wild", and a slideshow by photographer Jason Waicunas of Outdoor Viewfinder (and PCT Days event director), showing beautiful scenes from the many splendors of the PCT.

Next Adventure PCT Days Sunset on gorge cliffs

The Columbia River was almost as smooth as glass Sunday morning. The vendors broke down their booths as the PCT thru-hikers trickled out of camp and continued on up the trail. They still have about 500 miles of Washington to hike to complete their 2600 mile journey.

Next Adventure PCT Days Sunrise glow over Columbia River

Happy trails to everyone that attended the event. We look forward to next year's PCT Days!

Next Adventure PCT Days thru hikers departing Next Adventure PCT Days thru hiker Karma

Next Adventure continues to inform, outfit and excite those interested in hiking, backpacking and enjoying the outdoors.

Check out these FREE clinics and presentations in Portland, Oregon:

September 9 - Lightweight Backpacking Clinic
September 16 - Walking the Camino Santiago
October 7 - Mushroom Identification
October 9 - National Geographic Athlete of the Year
October 14 - Map and Compass Skills Clinic
October 23 - Circling the Cascade Volcanoes

Visit our calendar on to find out about more great free learning opportunities to inspire you and teach you the skills you need for your next outdoor adventure!

Next Adventure PCT Days 2014 booth set-up

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