NRS Czar Review
--Product Information--
Product Name: Czar
Product Brand: NRS
Best Use: SUP
--Test Information--
Location of Test: Eagle Creek (CRG) and Clackamas River
Duration: 1 month
Value Rating: 10
Durability Rating: 10
Overall Rating: 10
Full Review: I've been paddling the NRS czar for a little over a month now and it's is my favorite paddleboard I've gotten to use to date. Or I should say my favorite inflatable.
Its about the size of a large creek boat and 6 inches thick, 36 inches wide. A full deck pad with in a little bit of a kick plate at the tail round out the design. This board is awesome. With its short length it doesn't track as well as the larger Baron or Imperial, but it allows you to be much more maneuverable making stern pivots and Eddy catching a whiz. You could liken it too short boarding in the surf but much more stable.
I've taken this board on expeditions where it's light weight, packability, and maneuverability make it ideal. Also, I use it as my primary instruction board when I'm teaching stand up paddleboarding and down river stand up paddle boarding. It's great agility and stability allow for it to be a fun platform both on the upper end of difficulty with stand up paddle boarding and just tooling around on lakes and streams. You'll definitely see me out on the carnage and confidence running whipping this little boy into eddies and catching surf.
Oh yeah it surfs! You can carve it quite easily with or without fins and it added width and thickness make staying on the wave quite easy as you shuffle forward and back. This thing rocks! Try it out today! We have them in shop for rent.
The Good List: Hang 10
The Not so Good List: Shorter length makes it less than ideal for touring.
The Bottom Line: Does what it's supposed to do...and well. I call it a win!

Adam braves the falls on his NRS Czar SUP