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NA Skate Team update: Parker Conley

NA Skate Team update: Parker Conley

Dropping In With Parker Conley from Andy Thompson on Vimeo.

I met Parker Conley a couple years ago when he was 7 years old. Even then he had already been skating a few years and was super stoked to be on his board every chance he got. Seeing him so excited, passionate, and dedicated to skating at such a young age got me thinking about trying to start a skate team to help support and encourage skaters, such as Parker. Now, a few years later, hes still on his board every day and is skating well beyond his years. Next Adventure now has a small but solid team of three riders, Parker Conley, Joe Frost, and Willis Kimbel. Each rider represents a different aspect of skating and I couldn't be more excited to have all three involved. Be on the look out for these guys this summer.

Parker and his dad have been filming this summer and I put together a short video of some of his recent skating. I'm very proud to have Parker be our first sponsored Next Adventure Skate Team rider as I feel his drive, creativity, and positive attitude represents so much of what I personally love about skating. Thanks to Parker's family for all their strong support with him and his skating. I cant wait to see what this kid does next!
-Andy Thompson

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