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next adventure bargain basement

Mysteries & Histories of the Bargain Basement

As you walk down the almost hidden staircase, past the walls lined with well-traveled backpacks, you see murals of Sasquatch Bryan and Golem Deek along with a spattering of old black and white photos in frames. You have no idea yet what mysteries await you in this secret den of awesome. At the bottom of the staircase you are greeted by the Next Adventure skateboard department filled with an array of gear that only a Portland original could provide.
next adventure skate shop
Bargains, steals, and deals are where the dream for Next Adventure was born and the bargain basement continues to provide PDX with the best place to not only purchase used gear but trade it in for store credit at the trading post. This is the real legacy of Deek & Bryan, the want for everyone to be able to afford to adventure in the great outdoors.
Next Adventure Bargain basement
As you scan the room you see racks upon racks of not just clothes, shoes, and camping gear but you start to see the stories behind all of it. Where has this gear been? What paths have these shoes walked? All of these things ready to continue their journeys on new adventures with new owners. Every day new stories arrive in the legendary bargain basement, everything from climbing shoes to Boy Scout uniforms to used snowboards. Even a vintage US Army stretcher leans against one of the back walls.
skateshop_bb_2015-375x564bargain basement next adventure
The staffers that work down at the trading post are the gate keepers of the bargain basement world. Sifting through the jungle of madness to bring forth the best used product and to guide those brave wandering souls to the departments that they seek.
bargain basement
I always find something neat to look at or buy every time I step into the basement. I have these moments where I find something that I remember using with my parents when I was a kid and it instantly takes me back to camping on a lake shore at age seven with bare feet, a mouth full of s’more, and the smells of campfire and earth enveloping my nose. Adventuring is about the memories, the ones that stick with you through the humdrum of daily existence.
next adventure bootfitting next adventure
Across from the skate department, hidden away in the corner of the basement is one of the crown jewels of Next Adventure; the tune shop. This beautiful symphony of everything winter sports is a testament to our love for the winter here in Portland. With racks and racks of snowboards, skis, boots, and gear it stands ready for the masses that invade its bounds every year as the snowflakes start to fall on Mt. Hood.
next adventure ski rentalsnext adventure tune shop
Next Adventure is beautiful blending of new and old, splurge and steal. It is the spirit of Adventure and the voice for so many travelers. No one believes this more than our staff, we work tirelessly to make sure that you are informed with the latest information, you are outfitted with the right gear, and you are excited about the world around you.
next adventure bargain basement
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