MotoTrippin: This is the End, my only friend, the End.
It's over.
For now.
That was a haul unlike any other I've attempted. Trying to find words to encapsulate a trip of such size is difficult, hell, trying to grasp all that was seen and done is a lost cause. Gotta love photos and blogging for keeping track of the memories and events. While this was an epic adventure, it’s certainly not the last big ride. Between the Southwestern Desert this spring and this recent haul, I've only just begun.
Blasting across Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Idaho and finally half of Oregon in 5 days wasn't fun. My crotch is still numb from the ride. Goddamn thumpers.
The requisite Kansas corn shot.
Blasting through the Midwest exposed me to a ton of smaller to tiny little towns that, again despite common impressions, were lively, attractive and flourishing. My route limited my exposure to the overall picture, but I think a good impression was gained and it differs greatly from what is considered common knowledge concerning the 'flyover' states.
There is little to report from the 5-day ride home from Detroit beyond dumpy hotels, generally monotonous scenery with the occasional surprise, and ever-increasing smoke levels the further west I rode. There was a short stint spent under the tongue of a horse trailer in Colorado to avoid a severe thunderstorm, but that was about it.
The exhaust on the bike kind of fell apart in Kansas, leading to some ingenuity in keeping it, at least partially, functional. Even with earplugs in, Thumper is a noisy beast when uncorked.
The one place in SE Idaho I wanted to camp had narrowly avoided being scorched by fire not too far in the past. As I cruised through my old BLM District there were a surprising number of recent fire scars, must be a great season for overtime.
Pulled in at the Crystal Crane Hot-springs near Burns, OR for the traditional post adventure camp and soak, managed to hang out for a few hours, then packed up and did the last 127 miles to home. After so long, 127 miles was a blip, a mere blink of time through well-known terrain towards real food, a shower, MY bed. Easy peasy.
Then it was done. Parked the filthy bike in the garage, hit the shower and pigged out on I can't remember then passed out. All done. Shaving never felt so good.
The week since then has been a mixed bag. All the godawful tourists sliming around for the eclipse had the town packed and my tolerance frayed. Having to deal with regular day to day stuff and figure how to fill a whole day is now just starting to happen. When 2 months straight is ride, sleep, repeat, life is pretty simple. Modern life can really complicate a good thing. Obviously, I didn't feel like writing, and don't now, but the 3 of you deserve a conclusion to this whole thing.
Got the bike all squared away, cleaned up, exhaust repaired, oil changed and tires topped off. Never know when you'll need to get in some ride time for sanity sake.
The eclipse was neat, but so severely overblown by the hype of modern social media it was silly. In the era where snow storms get named it shouldn't surprise me, but I'm still fairly old school in that regard. Stores are now having big blow it out the door sales to try and recoup all the coin they spent on junk no one cared to buy.
The reason for the cutting short and big blast back shall be attended this coming Monday. Shaved, got my hair did and have my fancy job getting clothes all ready to go. A finalizing interview, soon followed, hopefully, by a new gig. Requiring yet another relocation to a different state, but I like Washington and will be close enough to PDX for sales tax free shopping and the visiting of all my friends still able to manage there.
So, that's pretty much that for this trip. Epic sights, wonderful friends and family, kind and friendly strangers, minimal mechanical issues, and a passion even further stoked to do it all over again. Soon. I'll be hitting the upper Midwest for sure for more exploring and including eastern Canada and the eastern seaboard of the US for good measure. Not sure if Thumper will be my steed for the next big haul, but it will certainly be called upon for smaller trips.
Like the one I head out on this Thursday.
Time to Willy.