Hab/Rec 2012

The 11th annual Hab/Rec disc golf tournament was held last weekend on a beautiful day at Milo McIver State Park in Estacada.

A beautiful sunrise on the way out to Milo
Long known as one of the final tournaments of what has become an extremely busy disc golf season, the Hab/Rec has become a favorite of many seasoned veterans as well as new up-and-coming players. I hear so many players tell the story of the Hab/Rec being the first tournament they ever played, including myself back in 2007. Year after year, Patrick Buckley has done a great job introducing new players to tournament play.

Players at Tournament Central getting ready to go out for the first round
This year was no different and Patrick did another stellar job! With help from many supportive staff who come out yearly, Patrick ran another great event for all who played This year saw 150 players, playing in 9 different divisions. Everything moved along smoothly and included some of the best weather I can ever remember for the Hab/Rec--which usually has players donning their rain gear and huddling up for warmth at the end of the evening during the raffle and awards ceremony.

Ian the Grill Master
I don’t want to forget the great lunch and HUB beer provided by Next Adventure to all the players and staff!! Thanks for grilling up the burgers and dogs Ian!!
If you haven’t had a chance to play in this tournament, put it on the calendar for next year and you won’t be disappointed. Thanks again to Patrick and everyone that helped put on this great event including Next Adventure for their continued support and sponsorship!

Tournament Director Patrick Buckley getting ready to send players out after lunch. Thanks for all your hard work Patrick!!!