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gift guide

Gift Guide for Outdoors lover on your list!

Do you struggle getting a gift for that outdoorsy person in your life who already seems to have everything? If you answered yes, fear not, I have compiled a list of gifts for those people with a variety of price points to help you out this gift-giving season. Paddling – From keeping them safe to keeping their beer cold, these 4 gifts are great for the paddle sport lover in your life.
Climbing – Whether they’re in the gym or gearing up to climb El Cap, these gift ideas will help keep the climber in your life stocked up and safe for all their crazy adventures.
Hiking – Do you have a loved one who wanders off into the woods every chance they get? Help them continue to do so with these gifts.
Camping – Create a cozy camp set-up with these ultralight camp gift ideas for that ultra-camper in your life, plus a knife (for safety)
Dogs – Have a friend with a dog that adventures more than you do? Grab 1, 2, or 3 of these gifts as stocking stuffers for their next adventure!
Snowsports – Some easy gifts to stay warm, and fast, this shredding season.
If you’re still stuck, it’s always safe to grab a couple of Next Adventure gift cards ;-) Happy Gift Giving!
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