Gear Review: Thermarest ProLite Self-Inflating Sleeping Pad
Value Rating: 9
Durability Rating: 9
Overall Rating: 9
Location of Test: Black Forest Trail, PA
Duration of Test: 1 week
Product Name: ProLite Self-Inflating Sleeping Pad
Product Brand: Thermarest
Best Use: Backpacking
The Full Review:
I brought the ProLite pad for a backpacking trip in Pennsylvania, and it definitely did not disappoint. It’s both ultralight and self-inflating, weighing about a pound for the regular length. Rolled up, it’s about the size of a Nalgene and is easy to strap onto the back of a pack. I did struggle some with getting it back in the bag it originally came in, and, while doable, it may be worth investing in a strap instead.
I found that the pad typically self-inflated in about ten minutes or so, and I would then top it off with a couple of breaths to get it to be firm. it retained most, if not all, of its air throughout the night, remaining comfortable. On nights where I didn’t want to wait for it to self-inflate, it only took a minute or two to manually inflate it. I was considerably warmer when using the ProLite than I was on a night when I swapped pads with a friend. I would definitely bring this pad on another trip - it was light, comfortable, and relatively space-efficient.
The Good:
lightweight, warm, comfortable
The Bad:
hard to pack, slightly bulky
The Bottom Line:
comfortable ultralight pad!