Gear Review: Sweet Protection Rocker Full Face Helmet
--Product Information--
Product Name: Rocker Full Face
Product Brand: Sweet Protection
Best Use: Whitewater
Sizes Available / Specs: M/L & L/XL
--Test Information--
Location of Test: Oregon and Washington
Duration: 2 years
Value Rating: 8
Durability Rating: 7
Overall Rating: 9
Full Review: You have to protect your noggin'. Despite appearances, and consecutive concussions (say that 5x fast) I once studied the delicate art of the brain noodles. Boy oh boy do you want to protect your brain and by proxy its bucket. Nothing says a bad day like speech aphasia (look it up). So what do I use to protect my brain bucket and its contents from the inevitable side effects of going above and beyond (and or beatering)? A Sweet Protection Full Face Rocker.
First and foremost it is sweet looking. The name says it for you: Sweet. It also covers you entire dome in addition to a handy plastic jaw guard. While that jaw guard may not be carbon fiber it still offers quite a bit of protection from things like: Rocks, untucked/unchucked paddles, forearms, kayak decks, and snowballs. I've taken a hit so hard to my full face it felt like I was in the ring with Manny Pacquio. The helmet performed so well it barely scrambled my brain noodles. I had time to think, "Manny, you hit like a wanna be golden gloves..." before he chimed in for seconds and thirds. That's how good this helmet is.
Take a moment and ask yourself, do I feel lucky? Well do ya? Cause if you do...don't wear a Sweet. Flip your boat in the mank and practice that tuck that would make Spider man proud of your acrobatics. I mean not everyone can be a model and the opposite sex (on both sides) digs scars*. OR..wear a sweet rocker full face and know you now have .25 more seconds to get that tuck and hit that roll. It's the split seconds that count and good gear gives you that time.
*Note that author purchased his Sweet Full Face Rocker after acquiring said scars and hasn't regretted the purchase...no matter how conspicuous the beatery.
"The Good" List: Full cranial and occipital coverage (that means the front and back of your noggin...wherer the things that make you think and breathe live) and a custom fit with "hand of god' system.
"The Not so Good List": Not a full carbon fiber helmet. Jaw guard is plastic, but if you're shattering the jaw guard/helmet, not much will help you aside from the helmet you are wearing in said situation. You've also probably made your peace with the situation at that point. Beater on. Nothing short of a full face CAGE will protect you from a broken nose. Jaw guard is a Jaw Guard. Tuck right or don't huck.
The Bottom Line: Best helmet on the market. Worth the price. I cut my hair to fit into one of these helmets. They're that good.