Gear Review: Original Buff Multifunctional Headwear
Value Rating: 10
Durability Rating: 10
Overall Rating: 10
Location of Test: Internationally
Duration of Test: 5 Years
Product Name: Original Buff Multifunctional Headwear
Product Brand: Buff
Best Use: Everything!
The Buff Multifunctional Headwear comes in a huge variety of colors and patterns and has options with reflective, UV, ThermoNet or other materials as well as junior and half sizes.
The Full Review:
First things first: I love my Buff. I got it when I had just graduated high school and have taken it on every single adventure ever since. You may look at the long, fabric tube and say, "a $20 headband??" in disbelief, but don't be fooled, Buff Headwear is much more than a headband. I have found more uses for it than you could imagine, some include:
-headband (duh)
-face cover for skiing
-laundry bag
-miniskirt (not kidding)
-wrist accessory
-cooling rag (it dries quickly but if you get it wet with cold water it can help you beat the heat for a bit)
-sleep mask
-under a helmet
& many more!
I have found uses for it in every outdoor and indoor, activity I've done. I used it as a laundry bag on a pilgrimage, to keep my face warm when skiing, to clean up a mess, to keep my mane out of my face. And the best part - it doesn't take up much room! I'll often just leave it around my neck or wrist and wait until it's useful. The thing I love most about Buff Headwear is its versatility, but it's also made of high-quality quick-drying fabric. After 5 years of heavy use mine shows little signs of wear, even after being stretched over and over. I anticipate it lasting me many more years. Buff Multifunctional Headwear, especially the UV version, is also a great way to prevent sunburns on the back of your neck or scalp, both of which are pretty darn uncomfortable.
The Good
Multifunctional as heck, quick drying (wicks sweat away) and durable. Maybe the best thing I've ever bought. They come in lots of different patterns, there are even some with designs inspired by specific trails! You can throw it in the washing machine, or just wash it in the sink, and it's clean and ready to go.
The Bad:
Buff Headwear cost more than a simple headband. Also, over time they pill a bit.
The Bottom Line:
Buff Multifunctional Headwear is awesome. No matter what you like to do outdoors, whether it's rafting, skiing, floating, hiking, or something else, a Buff will find more than one way to be useful to you. They come in a variety of patterns, sizes and lengths, dry quick, weigh practically nothing, and are infinitely versatile.