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Electrolyte Tablets

Gear Review: Nuun vs. Gu Electrolyte Tablet Comparison

Value Rating: Nuun: 8 | GU: 10 Overall Rating: Nuun: 8 | GU: 9.5 Product Name: Electrolyte Tablets Product Brand: Nuun & GU Best Use: Hydration Nuun - Caffeinated and non-caffeinated, a variety of flavors, 10 tablets per sleeve GU - Non-caffeinated, a variety of flavors, 12 tablets per sleeve Electrolyte Tablets Electrolyte Tablets The Full Review: Let’s talk about electrolyte replacement. What is that? You ask. Electrolytes are minerals in your body that are essential for normal functioning. In times of heat or exercise, they are extra important, as we lose our electrolytes through perspiration. Electrolyte imbalance is a bad time, it makes you grumpy and tired, just like when you’re dehydrated, so electrolyte replacement is a great way to keep your body and mind healthy and hydrated. There are lots of ways to keep up your electrolyte levels, called electrolyte replacement, and a great way of doing so is with electrolyte tablets that dissolve in your drinking water. My body is a little different and thus requires a ridiculous amount of salt/electrolytes to function every day, so I practically live off of electrolyte tablets. I've found them to be practical, relatively cost-effective, and an easy way to maintain a healthy electrolyte balance, and trust me, I've tried practically every form of electrolyte replacement. Using electrolyte tablets also creates less waste than just buying bottles of Gatorade, and you can drink it out of your own trusty water bottle! Here we’ll talk about two brands of electrolyte tabs and how they compare. Nuun Nuun tablets are the brand most people recognize off the bat. They offer both caffeinated and non-caffeinated versions, so those of us who need coffee in the morning can kill two birds with one stone and get a caffeine fix while also getting hydrated. They have a wide selection of flavors ranging from citrus punch to watermelon. The cons of Nuun tablets are that they are slightly less economical than their counterpart, GU. Also, personally, I don’t love the taste of Nuun tablets. The flavoring isn’t as strong as I would prefer, it can sometimes taste almost like there shouldn't be a flavor... but there is. Make sure you pay attention to whether you're grabbing caffeine tablets or not, the caffeine ones have a black background while the non-caffeinated ones have a white background. Nuun tablets are perfect for someone who needs an energy boost, a hydration boost, and doesn’t love strongly flavored drinks. Gu GU offers a large range of electrolyte replacement products, from gummies to gels to tablets. GU electrolyte tablets are more slightly more economical and have a higher sodium content than a Nuun tablet. I also love the stronger flavor of GU tablets; the taste is actually quite nice and rather than drinking flavored water it tastes a bit more like drinking an actual drink. A small difference I have found between GU and Nuun tablets is that GU tablets do take a bit longer to totally dissolve, sometimes 8 minutes or more. Gu tablets are great for someone who likes flavored drinks (like Gatorade) and isn't looking for a caffeine boost. Pro tips: Try flavor combinations. Put one orange flavored and one berry flavored GU tablet together, it's a yummy. Do not put these in a water bladder, it will make them gross. If taste is an issue, try putting one in a smoothie. After using the sleeves keep the containers, they make great little reusable containers for mini sewing kits, matches, tea, coffee, etc. Electrolyte Tablets The Good Nuun tablets come in both caffeinated and non-caffeinated versions and there are a huge variety of flavors. Gu tablets are economical and have a slightly higher sodium content. They also have stronger and tastier flavors. The Bad: Nuun tablets are slightly less economical. Plus, I'm not a fan of the taste of Nuun tablets. GU tablets have no caffeinated option. For those who don't like strong flavors, these are not the way to go. Plus, GU has a slightly smaller flavor variety. The Bottom Line: At the end of the day, you can't go wrong with either GU or Nuun tablets. Either way, you are helping your body to have a healthier electrolyte balance and encouraging better performance during exercise. I highly recommend electrolyte replacement products for anyone who is adversely affected by heat to make sure they don't lose all their electrolytes and risk heat exhaustion or heat stroke. A backup sleeve of electrolyte tabs could be the difference between a bad nauseous day on the trail and a great one. Stay hydrated folks!
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