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Gear Review: NRS Triton Dry Top

Value Rating: 8 Durability Rating: 7 Overall Rating: 7 Location of Test: Tlapacoyan, Veracruz, Mexico Duration of Test: 7 Days Product Name: Triton Dry Top Product Brand: NRS Best Use: Paddling Specs/sizes available: Small, Medium, Large The Full Review: I picked up an NRS drytop for my trip to Mexico. I was excited to paddle in warm water and not worry about frigid water and cold feet. After seven days of hiking, shouldering boats and running some of Tlapacoyan's best rivers I've grown to love warm water paddling. Overall the triton top has done its job, keeping me warm and dry throughout each run. NRS uses thicker gaskets than some other brands and I enjoy the snug fit which lets less water in (in my opinion) when you crash through big features or get mystery moved at the base of a waterfall. The material holds up in well in the heat so far and is also thick enough to handle hikes through the jungle without tearing (so far- there are big thorns down here). As always my only complaint with NRS gear is construction. After 7 days of continuous paddling minor delamination of some velcro attachments has occurred. The functionality of the top remains 100% but the appearance is an 80%. Many folks won't put dry top through the use I'm giving it, also warmer temperatures and humidity always take their toll on gear. To quote a fellow paddler. The only thing that is strong in the jungle is you. NRS Triton Drytop The Good: Dry Stylish green (my favorite color) Fits well Thick Gaskets The Bad: Delamination at velcro for wrist and waist. Velcro still functional but just aesthetically displeasing. The Bottom Line: A good top for the price. A good upgrade from a used top or a hand me down.
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