Gear Review: Next Adventure Shop Skateboard Deck
--Product Information--
Product Name: Shop Skateboard Deck
Product Brand: Next Adventure
Best Use: Sidewalks, Skate Parks, Driveways, anywhere!
Sizes Available / Specs: Standard shape ranges from 7.75"-8.5" wide. Old school shape is 9.5" wide. Cruiser shape is 7.75" wide.
--Test Information--
Location of Test: Portland.
Duration: One Week.
Value Rating: 10
Durability Rating: 10
Overall Rating: 10
Full Review:
A few months ago I painted the graphic for this shop deck and was very happy to have the PS Stix board factory press, shape, and print our shop decks. PS Stix is run by Paul Schmitt who has decades of history in board development and manufacturing. Today, PS Stix produces many of the top skateboard brands and are known for their good shapes and durability.
This past week I’ve ridden an 8.5" deck around the skate park and sidewalks. It has a comfortable, mellow concave and a solid pop. Perfect for my needs. I also used the wider old school shape as my sidewalk cruiser. I've had fun with a full board under my feet that still has a functional shape. This unique combination provides a setup that I can cruise and still play around on. I have not been able to set up the little cruiser shape, but the pointed nose and slightly squared tail shape has had a lot of positive responses; I'm looking forward to pushing one soon.
The Good List: PS Stix made. Variety of shapes and sizes. $35 with free grip tape.
The Not so Good List: All skateboards eventually wear and can break. You'll probably fall riding a skateboard.
The Bottom Line: It’s hard to find a shop deck with this high of quality and for such a cheap price. It’s always a good day to skate.
All models are avialiable in store! Happy skating.