Gear Review: Kokatat Aries PFD
--Product Information--
Product Name: Aries
Product Brand: Kokatat
Best Use: Recreational kayaking, sailing, lounging.
--Test Information--
Location of Test: San Juan Islands
Duration: 2 days
Value Rating: 8
Durability Rating: 8
Overall Rating: 8
Full Review: I recently had the chance to try out the Kokatat Aries PFD. I had traveled up to the San Juan's to product test some new Kayaks with a friend of mine and the client requested we use their PFD's. I had never used the vest but it was brand new and you'd be hard pressed to find a more beautiful place to try new gear.
The fit of the vest is comfortable all around. A segmented back allows for comfortable seating regardless of backhand height of your kayak. The flotation in the front feels large upon putting the vest on, but once you're in the boat it's not a hindrance.
Since the Aries is low profile and form fitting, the vest is a great recreational PFD. The model I used lacked a knife placement and the absence of tow capabilities would sway me from purchasing it for anything other than rec boating. Otherwise this is a great PFD from a company known to set the bar high in terms of quality and construction.
The Good List:

- Fits well
- Quality construction
- Comfortable
No better place to test products.