Gear Review: Gear Aid Aquaseal FD Repair Adhesive
Value Rating: 10
Durability Rating: 10
Overall Rating: 10
Location of Test: Metolius, Clackamas and Salmon Rivers
Duration of Test: Multi-Day Winter Fishing Trip on the Metolius, Day-Trips on Clackamas and Salmon Rivers. Patches are still holding strong after 8 months.
Product Name: Aquaseal +FD Repair Adhesive
Product Brand: Gear Aid
Best Use: Neoprene Waders and Wetsuits
The Full Review:
Overestimating the strength of my stocking foot waders (and my balance) I accidentally damaged my right boot last summer. I put a pretty gnarly inch-long gash in the heel and a couple of small abrasions near the toe. When I got home from my trip I patched these holes with Aquaseal, and while my patch-job might not be the prettiest, it works! In the last nine months, I’ve taken these waders on a two-day winter fishing trip on the Metolius and was pleased that even in 20-degree weather the patches held up. I’ve also gone on two trips on the Clackamas, and a trip on the Salmon River. The repairs are still holding strong.
Also, while fishing on the Clackamas River, maneuvering adventurously to find just the right spot, I snagged my waders on a branch. Again, I patched them up with Aquaseal. Overall, I am happy with this product. It’s easy to apply, seals well, and is flexible, so I don’t even really feel the patches on my boot. With a cure time of 8-12 hours, I bring this along on all my multi-day fishing trips. If you’re looking for a faster drying option, Gear Aid also makes a Cure Accelerator, cutting the dry time down to just two hours. Storing Aquaseal in the freezer prevents it from drying out, meaning you can get multiple uses from each tube.
The Good:
Works really well on neoprene waders and wetsuits, creating a waterproof seal for tears and/or abrasions. The Cure Accelerator cuts the dry time down to two hours.
The Bad:
If not stored in the freezer Aquaseal can harden meaning the cost of one repair is $8. Freeze it!
The Bottom Line:
Gear Aid’s Aquaseal is a good quality waterproof adhesive perfect for repairing rips and tears in outdoor gear. Clear, flexible, and durable; Aquaseal will keep you going even in the toughest conditions.