Gear Review: 2021 Niche Pyre Snowboard
Value Rating: 8
Durability Rating: 8
Overall Rating: 8
Location of Test: Mission Ridge Ski and Board Resort in Wenatchee, WA
Duration of Test: A few laps
Product Name: 2021 Pyre
Product Brand: Niche
Best Use: All Mountain / Powder
The Full Review:
Because there was no new snow, I couldn’t test this bad boy in the powder. I feel like I have ridden quite a few powder boards that also super fun and carvy when it comes to groomers, but in my experience, this was not one of them. There was not the best edge hold on very icy bits, but that might be because the board itself is so lightweight.
It's not that the groom experience on this board was necessarily bad, I just happened to ride it after a board with incredible edge hold and stability, so my objectivity might be slightly skewed.
The Good:
Super light. Very very eco-friendly. 100% recyclable
The Bad:
Felt squirrelly in the backend. Not the best edge hold.
The Bottom Line:
A fine all mountain board. Not necessarily bad in any department, just not the best hold on ice.