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Event Report: Outdoor GPS Demo Day

Event Report: Outdoor GPS Demo Day

--When, Where, Conditions--
When: August 23rd, 2014
Location: Clackamette Park
Conditions: Sunny, beautiful and the water felt great.
Duration: 4 hours

--Helpful Info--
Difficulty: Easy
Kid Friendly? Yes
Pet Friendly? Yes

The Report: Next Adventure was at Clackamette Park today demoing Hobies for the Outdoor GPS Comcast Customers. Next Adventure provided a wide range of Hobies for people to take out and give a try on some moving water.

Outdoor GPSHobie Pro Angler 12

The turbo fins were a hit among everyone. There were multiple people who had never been in a kayak who were able to pedal up stream using the Pro Angler 12 or the Outback with Turbo fins and make it up stream in a swift current. There were a few people who were skeptical, but after demoing the Hobies they were inspired to go places they had never been before.

Hobie Pro Angler 12Hobie Pro Angler 12

This was a fun event with over 400 people in attendance with plenty of vendors to show off their new gear for the upcoming fishing season. I can't wait until next year where with a great location and great vendors, there is only room to grow. See everyone same time next year!

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