Disc Golf Or Die Ice Bowl Report
--Event Details--
Event name: 2015 DGOD Ice Bowl
Event Location: Lunchtime DGC - Portland, OR
Event Type: Disc Golf
Event Date: 2014-01-31
The Full Report: Disc Golf or Die, one of Portland's biggest disc golf clubs, ran their 2015 DGOD Ice Bowl at Lunchtime DGC this past Saturday. Festivities included one round on a modified 18 hole course, an 18 hole mini disc golf course and chili cook off. Weather was far from icey. Sunny skies and 40 degree weather made for a great day to be outside.

Everyone getting ready for the day.
For those that don't know, Ice Bowl is a series of events held around the country during the winter months. The purpose of Ice Bowls is to raise funds to fight hunger, engage the disc golf community with a positive cause, and to have a lot of fun. As of 2013, Ice Bowls have brought in over $2 million and 600,000 lbs. of food. Those who made it out to the 2015 DGOD Ice Bowl did their part to keep those number rising. I don't know the final tallies on money raised or amount of food donated, but it looked to be quite a lot. A number of outside sponsors stepped up to help in the effort included generation donations from Next Adventure.

All the competitors lined up to donate food.
Thank you Disc Golf or Die for you continued commitment to running community centered events!
