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Community Outreach: Disc Golf Donations to Vermont Hills Family Life Center

Community Outreach: Disc Golf Donations to Vermont Hills Family Life Center

Here at Next Adventure we believe that community is important and being a part of our local community outreach programs is something that we are very proud of! Last February we were able to make a donation to the Vermont Hills Family Life Center and here is what their regional supervisor had to say about this neat opportunity: " Next Adventure, Last February Erin from Next adventure was so kind as to donate used discs, minis, and bandanas towards a training for afterschool care teachers at Vermont Hills Family Life Center. The training was a success and inspired many programs to bring disc golf to their school. We have since purchased three baskets and numerous discs to meet the expanding interests of the kids. Last Tuesday we brought the baskets out to Raleigh Park and created our own course. Some of the kids literally played disc golf for the entire three hours we were there! I attached a few pictures from our recent outing. I just wanted to say thanks for everything and to let you know your donations have been put to good use. With Gratitude, Steven D. Regional Supervisor " We are so thrilled to see such excitement about disc golf and the joy it is bringing to so many kids and adults in the community. From the very beginning it has always been about community and bringing people together. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to explore the great outdoors and participate in all of the neat activities that it has to offer! Programs like the Vermont Hills Family Life Center provide kids with opportunities to learn, grow, and explore that they may not have had otherwise. How many lives would you impact if you donated some of your time to making sure that all kids have the opprtunity to experience that next adventure?
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