Adventure in Progress: Lawrence Newman's journey south
Adventure in Progress: Lawrence Newman’s journey south
There is a part in all of us that simply wants to wander. To let loose the ties of an average life and travel through every valley, canyon, and creek to try and find ourselves. We seek this adventure, this baptism in change and it does not disappoint. One of these adventurers, a seeker of the unknown, is Lawrence Newman.
He found his inspiration on a trip to Honduras in 2013 and has since returned to South America to embark on another journey. He left “home” in February 2015 and headed south on his KLR 650 motorcycle down through California with the plan to travel all the way down to Patagonia and the tip of South America. He also returns this time with a much better understanding of Spanish and an international certification to teach English along the way.
He writes, “This is my alternative education. With my heart and mind open, I will become bi-lingual, and I will learn while having a hell of an adventure! I dream of a future where I get to work in a way that encourages the celebration of our cultural differences through respectful travel. I dream of finding my way of giving back to a world thirsty for understanding.”
He has kept us updated along the way in his journey through his BLOG and FACEBOOK pages, writing out in vivid details the good and the challenging moments on his journey so far. In the process of experiencing all these new things and leaving so much behind he has found a piece of himself in the process.
“I'm a guy who has discovered the power and life changing educational opportunity found in travel. I have a yearning to explore my growing passion for language and culture. With this dream guiding me, I've made the difficult choice to liquidate material possessions, step away from my small artisan design-build business, home, familiarity of community, native language and country.”
Adventures affect us all differently but it all ends at the same result, fulfillment of the soul. Whatever awaits us around that next bend in the river or down that next dirt road we will be ready, I will be ready, because the beauty of life is found in the journey my friends, there is no true destination.
What’s your next adventure?